The award is called the Wylde Women Award and its purpose is to send love to and acknowledge women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.
The lovely Kathleen gave the award to me and the rules are like this:
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between
2.Make sure you link to their site
3. Link back to Tammy at http://www.tammyvitale.com so she can visit all these great women
4. Remember the purpose of the award
So, here goes, I award it to
Julie(again, I know...)
Please check them out, they are all amazing!
I have also been tagged by Joey!
The rules are:
1. Link your tagger and list the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names and links to their blog
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
So, now I have to tell you some facts...
1: I LOVE childrens books... Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Eragon, The Narnia Chronicles... just love it!
2: I am a real foodie. Love to eat and love to cook, bake, prepare food. Hmmmm....
3: Harmony above everything (well, almost everything), I do all I can to keep everything and everyone around me happy
4: Addiction to rubber stamps... Cannot resist buying them!
5: This is weird but unfortunately true.... I love squeezing my O/H blackheads... or my own, but I don't get that many...
6: I'm a gadget girl. I love technical stuff like fancy phones, computers, cameras or any new crafting gadget.
7: Ironing is not my forte... in fact I don't do it! Hubby does his own shirts, anything else waits until it is desperately needed or hubby does it *g*
and the people I am tagging are:
Kathleen http://kookaburracrafts.blogspot.com
Today I found a little hedgehog on the street in front of our neighbours house. He didn't seem to well as he didn't run away when I came over to have a look. He seemed a bit lost and confused and after getting him some earthworms and moving him to the safety of our garden I phoned the RSPCA and local vets. I brought him over to the vets after being told they would check if he is ok and if not could help him by sending him to an animal hospital. He is fine apart from being a bit weak and not weighing enough so they kept him. I am happy that he is well cared for now!
And this is him...

Well, I also did a few cards lately for Do Crafters. One was for the October Friendship swap and it has a Halloween theme. The other one is a wallet card and is going to a swap partner, not sure which one yet *hehe*
First, here is the Halloween card, which I rather like:

Thanks for stopping by on my blog today and hope you like it!
Hi huni...congrats on ur award and how cute is that hedgehog....oh and am loving ur cards...lol....luv n hugs lesley..xx
WOW!! Your card is stunning!! Love the silver!! And your colouring is fantastic!!
But I also want to wish you the best of luck with my Candy;)
Thank you soo much for joining!! Have a lovely weekend!:)
Hugs, Camilla.
Hi Alex.. love the cards, especially the silver. Thank you so much for passing on the award, too!! xxx
Great cards as always Alex - I see Skating Tilda has arrived (or was she a swap!)
Thanks for the tag - will have to have a think about 7 more weird and wonderful facts about myself.
Kathleen xx
Hi Eisbarin!
So great that you have joined blogland and your cards are fab! Thanks you so much for tagging me!! I will be adding you to my blog list if that's okay? xxx
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