Wednesday 31 December 2008

Wow, 5000 hits! That's a great start to the new year...

...and I think this cries out for some blog candy from me to you, my lovely visitors!!
I am sorting some stuff out as we speak and will put it up here very soon, so keep your eyes peeled and join in when it's time to get your hands on some crafty candy!
Wishing you all a really good new year and hope you continue to visit my blog in 2009!

Monday 22 December 2008

Blog candy

Chrissy is giving away a fab blog candy to clebrate 60000 hits (yeah, I wish I had that many *lol*). So head over and see for yourself!

Friday 19 December 2008

Phew... the last christmas cards out of the way!

Hello everyone,

this is gonna be one of those posts with looooooads of pictures, but hopefully one of the last ones! I finally managed to finish all my christmas cards that I still needed and here are all 46 of them! They are obviously all quickies but hopefully don't look too bad for it... I will not delve into what I did with each one of them, if you have questions you are welcome to ask away and I will answer though!
I hope I won't have to do a marathon like this anymore and just made the resolution to do at least one christmas card each week from January onwards! That will take the pressure off... let's see if I can keep that up *lol*

Oh, and before I forget, on my birthday I got the coolest card from my hubby!! I did get lots of beautiful cards from my friends on DoCrafts as well, but sorry girls, my hubby made this card that really made me gape in awe! It is so clever! It was lying on my plate at breakfast and when I took it out of the folder it just looked like a blank white screen. I looked a bit bemused at my darling hubby and he said "Hold it to the light!" which I did... but see for yourself! (He made it with my stash and didn't clear up but he is forgiven as I want to nick the idea!)

Saturday 13 December 2008

Will this cold ever leave?

Hello everyone, I seem to have been struggling with this cold since forever and it doesn't seem to shift properly. I can now get up and do some stuff at least which means I can show you what I did for my parents and parents in law for little pressies...
I made a recipe box for my mum for her favourite recipes. The hardest was to glue the box together, but it worked, hey!
For my mother in law I made a stationary box which has an address book, stamp pocket and holders for a pen, 6 cards, 6 notelets and 6 tags. I got the idea and instructions from Jackie, so thank you for that, it was great fun to make!
I also made a nugget tin, calendar with clear pocket to put different pictures/photos in, acetate tube and goodie bag with window for fudge. Oh and not to forget, a card! *lol* I think considering that I didn't have much time to do it all it came out quite nice.

Oh dear, I seem to be posting masses of pictures lately... hope you don't mind too much! I try to be better next time and restrict myself to a couple or so.