Anyway, the upside of not selling much at the fair is that I now have lots of cards to send myself and only need a few more for orders and special family ones. Also, I can show them to you as I had no time to take pictures before the fair.
As there is so much to show I will keep the waffling about at this and just show you the pictures! Hope you like!

Hi Alex, So pleased you enjoyed your holiday, did you manage any crafting? How disappointing the craft fair was, I have heard this a number of times this year - I just don't know what peeps want - probably something for very few pennies - they just don't realise how much effort and work goes into making handcrafted cards and gifts.
BUT, we crafters do and your pics show some lovely stuff. SO, AS THEY SAY ON SATURDAY NIGHTS 'KEEEEEP CRAFTING'. ikki x
Hi Alex, Glad you enjoyed you holiday. It' a shame about the craft fair, but it seems the same story everywhere, your your cards are gorgeous, I love the tilda one, your colouring is beautiful.
Michele xx
You know what they say Alex, there's no accounting for taste and some people have no taste. The cards and candles are all beautiful, simple and elegant, love them.
hugs Heather xx
ps Glad you enjoyed your hols.
Hi Alex, I have tagged you, details are on my blog.
Michele x
Wow, you've been very busy! Love the cards and I especially like the candles.
WOW youve been busy hun, glad you had a lovely holiday and all the cards and candles are lovely, shame the craft fair didnt go well, i am doing one on saturday (my first) i have made so much stuff i hope it goes well but i havent got high hope listing to what other people are saying, people what something for nothing dont they :o/ talk soon and its lovely to have you back xxxx
Beautiful cards and candles Alex.
Hope you had a lovely holiday!!
There's an award for you over on my blog
Kathleen xx
Hi Alex - have left you something on my blog.
hugs Heather xx
theres something on my blog for you xxx
Did I mention how much I love those cards made with the CBug emb folders. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Santa is good at hints this year and gets me a Bigshot!!!
PS There's another little something for you over on my blog!
What stunning cards and lovely candles ,so sorry that youve not had good school fair.glad you had good holiday lovely blogg .
If you pop over to to mine i have blogg candy for grabs until 10th dec.
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