The lovely Lesley of http://pinklesdreams.blogspot.com has kindly given me this award! Wow, I am well chuffed! Thanks so much!
The rule is to give it to only 6 blogging friends which is really hard, as there are so many great people out there with amazing blogs! I decided to choose the blogs I have been following (secretly *hehe*) for some time, without even having my own yet.
Had to pick though, so here goes:
Well, anyone who was expecting a few cards.... SORRY! I managed to get on top of my list and do loads of cards and in my eagerness to get them sent to al those waiting people I put them in the envelopes... and yes, you guessed it, forgot to take a picture first *DOH!*
I will have to get making some more then I think, so I'll have something to show....
well done, glad I stumbled on your blog, we are friends on the other side lol!!! I am off to add your blog to my inspiration list!!!!!
Hallo Alex,
Danke für den Award, da freue ich mich riesig!
Deine Karten gefallen mir sehr gut. Ich komme sicher wieder vorbei :)
lg Katharina
Thank you for my award! I love your cards, will have to stop by often!!!! Caroline xx
u r sooo welcome huni...ur blog is fab...and I cant wait 2 see what u make next...luv n hugs Lesley xx
Hi Alex Im sorry I didnt know you had a blog !!! thanks for the award I'll post it on my blog as soon as I get the chance . Were getting inspected at work in this week boo hoo.
Take care
hugs karen xxx
Thanks for the award. I've been having a nosey around your blog & you have some fab cards. Have added you to my Google Reader so "I'll be back" lol!!
Sharon :-)x
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