Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by! I have been still fighting with that pesky cold and now think it might have developed into a sinusitis as I just cannot get my nose to unblock. Grrrr....
While I have been away from blogland however I have been given the "I love your blog" award from two lovely people!! The fabulous Michele and the no less fabulous Erin! Check out their blogs, they are really inspirational! Thanks girls!
The rules say I have to give this to 7 people and as there are so many great blogs it was very difficult to decide... I chose:
and Laura
You should check their blogs as they are all great crafters and have lovely blogs.
I have also been tagged by no less than 4 people!! Namely: Kathleen, Erin, Joy and Lisa! Thank you all!
Well, I have to give 5 answers to the following questions and tag 5 people, which will be hard as I don't want to tag people who already got this one...
For the questions, here goes:
Things I love:
1. My children and family
2. My friends
3. Crafting
4. Snuggling up on the sofa with a hot chocolate and a nice movie
5. Making others smile
Things I don't love:
1. My bloomin' cold!
2. Spiders and Snakes... not so fond of creepy crawlies..
3. Nastiness towards anyone, human or animal!
4. Housework
5. Shopping (except for craft stuff...)
Music on my iPod:
1. Harry Potter Audiobooks read by Stephen Fry (I know it's not music, but I listen to it a lot...)
2. Duffy
4. Rihanna
5. Amy Winehouse
Food and Drink Favs:
1. Anything Thai or Italian
2. Freshly baked bread
3. German Cakes and some special recipes my mum/grandmother used to make for me
4. Hot chocolate, the real stuff made with milk and topped with cream!
5. Gummibears
Oh WOW - thanks, thanks, thanks for this Alex, I'm both thrilled and honoured. I shall post it with pride.
hugs Heather xxx
Ooooo thanks, ive done mine but dont know who to pass the award on to! x
Thanks for the awaard - I'm honoured. Will have to have a think and then will post on my blog who I've awarded it to!
Kathleen xxx
PS Ironically, my verification word is 'cough'!!!
thank you so much Alex its very much appreciated. luv gina xx
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