I want to thank you all so much for them, I feel very honoured that you thought of me.
Now to the huge task of getting through them...
Debra has awarded me this one:
Michele has actually given me two awards! Thanks hun, I am touched!
I also have been given this:
The rules are:
a) List 10 honest things about yourself, making them interesting.
b) Pass it on to 7 other bloggers who you feel embody the spirit of Honest Scrap.

a) List 10 honest things about yourself, making them interesting.
b) Pass it on to 7 other bloggers who you feel embody the spirit of Honest Scrap.
So my 10 things are:
1) I don't like pralines/truffles but I am given them quite often so I pass them on to others...
2) I am actually quite a boring person but try to make it look as if I was interesting in some way *lol*
3) My first real boyfriend and I stayed together for 10 years before we split. I suffered for a year, he apparently still isn't over me...
4) I moved to London for a year of work experience and ended up staying!
5) I once worked behind the bar of a brothel for a week! I was the only girl dressed in the whole thing and it was a bit creepy, but good money for nothing more than serving drinks to customers and girls... (Actually, I think, this is quite interesting & honest, don't you think?)
6) I gave birth to two beautiful boys without any pain relief.
7) I sometimes hide from them in the toilet when I need 5 minutes of peace.
8) I sometimes cheat when I cook and use instant gravy that I just add cream or sth. to without saying it's instant...
9) I sometimes cannot bear to part with a card I made.
10) I started drawing and painting at the tender age of 1 when my mom used to give me pencils and paper and I would sit in my highchair for ages being quite happy.
Eileen has given me this lovely award:

Joey has awarded me this one:
I also got tagged by Michele and Christine. You have to go to the 6th folder of your computer and the 6th picture in it has to be shown here with an explanation of what is on it.
This is actually a bit difficult for me as my Mac has several ways of displaying folders etc. I went with alphabetical and this is what came up:

Hope you can forgive me if you have had those awards/tag already! I am off now, to let them know!
Thank you for thinking of my for this lovely award. It is very much appreciated! Love, Clare x
Hi Alex!
Thank you so much for the award, I'll pop it on my blog a bit later when I get home from work :0) xx
Thank you so much hun for thinking of me for this award and tag, im off to go do it now xxxx
Thank you so much Alex...Im such a bad blogger I have been tagged and awarded so many and havent a hope of catching up with them xxx
Hi Alex, congrats on your awards, you deserve every one of them. Thank you for passing one on to me, it is very kind of you to think of me. Kirsten x.
Hi Alex, All these awards show how well you are thought of and what a great blog you have showing so much talent. Thanks for thinking of me. ikki
Thanks for my award Alex I promise I will collect it when I have time.
Well done on all the awards Alex! I love your picture of Jacob, he really does look so engrossed, it's a very special photo. Chris x
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