Sunday 31 August 2014

Hobby Art cards from Create and Craft on Friday

Hello there,

scared you? Yes, it's really me! I won't promise I start blogging regularly again as I know it might not happen. But as I am posting on the Hobby Art blog, I might as well do it here too ;-)

You might have seen the lovely Jenny on Create and Craft on Friday showing you some of the fab new stamps and sets. If you have you will have seen some of my cards as well and as I thought it might interest some people how I did a few things I took some pics while creating them.

Firstly I made this little number with Otto, the Owl. He can be found here.

I stamped and coloured the image plus a holly sprig from Berries and Birds and coloured them with Copics. Then I looked for a paper that would give the impression of falling snow but when I couldn't find anything I liked I decided to make my own.

I randomly placed some small round labels I had lying around (I use them to mark my Ciao pens with their numbers on the end of the caps). Then I used a sponge applicator to rub Memento in Paris Dusk all over the sheet.

When I was happy with the colour I peeled off the labels...

It then looked like this:

 Not perfect, but I liked it and the card came out nice, I think.

 Next I had promised some people to show how nice the 'no-lines technique' would look on the robins from the  Berries and Birds set, so I coloured this little fella and I LOVE him! Quite proud of how he turned out...

I wanted to put him on a card that would showcase him without distracting too much so I just stamped the little branch with berries under him and coloured (again in 'no-lines) and used a die to trace a circle around to frame him.

I then used a craft knife to cut that circle out. Bit of a job between his tiny legs but I managed it.

I placed some coordinating coloured card (die cut this time!) around the cut out and finished the panel with some strips of the same card and pearls. Then I just popped the whole panel up on foam pads and stamped the sentiment through the circle onto the card blank. Voila!

There were a couple of other cards I made, that are quite simple and straight forward so no blurb about them from me... ;-)

Hope you like them and thanks for sticking with me!!!


Aunty Sue said...

Hi Alex nearly fell off my chair when I saw. You on my blog roll. Hope you are well. Fabulous creations and awesome no lines but only what I have come to expect from one so talented. Hugs xx

Squirrel x said...

Yoo-hoo!! Hiya Alex, long time no see, but so pleased you posted hunny. Wow, you have been majorly busy. These are all awesome works of art, love them all, but especially your stunning robin. Wish I were closer so I could take one of your classes, we haven't been to the GP since they moved!! Hope to see you soon. Hugs xx

Linda said...

Hi Alex, great to see you blogging, I'd hoped you would be a regular on C&C but unless I have missed you I have been disappointed. Great inspiration, as always, Linda xx

jc2711 said...

I too fell off my chair :) Pleased I have kept your feed going now. Welcome back, love your cards.


Joan Friston said...

Your work is really special. I love the no lines robin, I shall have to try that but I know it will be no where as good as yours. I think this image is exceptional,
thank you for sharing.


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This post is absolutely brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing!

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Awesome post!Thank you very much.


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